# Translation

Special thanks go to Jui-Hua, Aleck and Yu-Chi for help with reviewing English translation.

# Icons

This website makes use of the following design materials:

## The Noun Project collection

Telephone" symbol by Chris Brunskill,
Speech Bubble" symbol by Murali Krishna,
Map Marker" symbol by Phil Goodwin,
Close" symbol by Istiko Rahadi,
Share" symbol by Icomatic,
Eye" symbol by Cole Townsend,
Settings" symbol by Joe Mortell,
Check Mark" symbol by Gary Wood,
Browser" symbol by Nicholas Menghini,

## Iconfinder

Pencil5" symbol by Daniel Bruce,
Chrome icon" symbol by Carlos JJ,
Link, streamline" symbol by Webalys,
Star" symbol by Liam McKay,
Document, text" symbol by PICOL,

## Plate

4 Attractive White Flat Speech Bubbles Set PSD" by mee-rebirth is licensed under CC BY 3.0,
Ultra thin and flashy! Apple Macbook notebook computer in PSD format." by Vincent Beaulieu is licensed under CC BY 3.0,
Black & White iPhone & iPad Mockups Set PSD" by AgenceMe is licensed under CC BY 3.0,

## teehan+lax

iOS7 GUI PSD (iPhone)" by teehan+lax

## flaticon

Rocket black ship free icon" symbol by Freepik,